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The Rig Vedic gods were predominantly male as was natural in a patriarchal society. The Rig Vedic Aryans performed a number of domestic and public sacrifices (yajna), many of them traceable to their Indo-European past. The first reaction to Brahminical dominance and the extremely ritualistic later Vadic religion can be seen in the Upanishadas, which questioned the efficacy of animal sacrifice and gave primacy to asceticism as a means of achieving salvation, read new meanings in the sacrifice, and propounded the doctrine of ahimsa. So we can observe an evolution of religious pattern in the Vedic Age. This video is created to discuss about the evolution.
#VedicReligion #DeitiesInTheVedicAge #VedicGodsAndGodessess
(1) Jha, D.N. (2004), Early India: a Concice History, Delhi: Manohar
(2) Habib, Irfan & Vijay Kumar Thakur (2003), The V4dic Age, Delhi: Tulika Books
(3) Chakravarti, Ranabir (3rd edition, 2016), Exploring Early India, Delhi: Primus Books
Script, Commentary & Music by Gautam Mukhopadhyay
Professional Profile Link: http://vidyamandira.ac.in/pdfs/facultycv/GM_HIST.pdf
Creative Designer: Jayasmita Roy
Background Voice: Gautam Mukhopadhyay
Violin: Amlan Halder
Sarod: Atish Mukhopadhyay
Pakhwaj: Apurbalal Manna
Email: paathhistoryonline@gmail.com
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