Is Butterfly Beach worth visiting?
How do you get to Butterfly Beach in Goa?
How do I get to Butterfly Beach?
Can you swim at Butterfly Beach?

butterfly beach in South Goa, used to be one of the hidden beaches away from the usual tourist beaches.
you can drive your car to reach the parking lot, the road is rough, ensure your car has got good ground clearance.
they charged 100 ₹ if i recollect. then you would need to walk a 2km trail to reach the beach.
the beach is nestled between two small Rocky mountains and hence the name I guess.
we took a boat ride (scams basically) who charged 1000 for three people and barely lasted 10 minutes.
they showed us a turtle shaped rock formations.
though the sunset made it look beautiful

overall this is nice place to visit, you need to beware of the roughly 25 minutes walk one way to the beach. there are 4*4 vehicles which can transport you there for 250 again a scam.

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