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The Egyptian state, and the ruling class which controlled it, was constantly engaged in perpetuating the cult of the pharaoh. This ruling class wielded enormous power which was derived to a large extent from the divine status of the pharaoh. We must remember that in the Old Kingdom a powerful centralized state came into existence in Egypt. By the Old Kingdom the Egyptian state had developed an extensive bureaucratic higherarchical structure with wide ranging administrative functions. As centralized administration became more and more complex, the pharaohs began to appoint a chief minister to look after the day to day functioning of the government. Whereas the Egyptian state had evolved a fairly efficient system for centralized control, beyond certain point centralization was difficult for a pre-modern state; the government in ancient Egypt had to rely on ancient village level institutions for routine local administration. All these features of administrative structure are discussed in this video.
#AdministrativeStructureInAncientEgypt #EgyptianAdministration #AdministrationOfThePharaoh
(1) Farooqui Amar (2002), Early Social Formations, Delhi: Manak Publications Pvt. Ltd.
Script, Commentary & Music by Gautam Mukhopadhyay
Professional Profile Link: http://vidyamandira.ac.in/pdfs/facultycv/GM_HIST.pdf
Creative Designer: Jayasmita Roy
Video and soundtrack are subject to copyright of PAATH History
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