Today’s video takes a look at the Aussie Alphabet Coin Set,

The Great Aussie Coin Hunt 1 Dollar Coin Set was released in 2019, we have the folder and all 26 coins to have a look at!

Here is a list of the coins in the set:

A – Australia Post
B – Boomerang
C – Cricket
D – Didgeridoo
E – Esky
F – Footy
G – G’Day
H – Hills Hoist
I – Iced Vovo
J – Jackaroo and Jillaroo
K – Kangaroo
L – Lamington
M – Meat Pie
N – Neighbours
O – Outback
P – Platypus
Q – Quokka
R – Royal Flying Doctor Service
S – Surf Life Saving
T – Thongs
U – Ute
V – Vegemite
W – Weet-Bix
X – Xantippe
Y – Yowie
Z – Zooper Dooper

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