Happy Sunday!
Welcome to the 9/27/2020 Silver Husky GAWction!
If you’re new, please hit subscribe and ring the bell. Hit that like button, and lets bump up the algorhythms.
You do not need to bid to be entered into any 25-like or End of Stream (EOS) Give Away. YouTube is in no way affiliated with this stream or its activities.
Auction winners, please render payment promptly (upon completion of stream.
Payment methods are listed on the screen.
*** Payment through Paypal Goods and Service must include a 3% bump on the total. (multiply your total plus shipping by 1.03).
If not included, payment will be returned to sender.
Shipping outside of USA will be expensive. Please only bid if you are prepared to pay upwards of $30+ depending on country.
Happy bidding, and good luck to all!

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