The race is on to find every definitive 50p coin in circulation in time for the 50th anniversary of the 50p on the 14th October!

And now Rachel and Yasmin have joined the challenge and are preparing for their own definitive 50p coin hunt next Monday.

Now is your chance to get involved by guessing the score for the chance to win a 50th Anniversary of the 50p Coin in Brilliant Uncirculated quality.

We have 5 coins to give away to the lucky winners who guess the closest to our overall score.

But unlike previous coin hunts, this time we’ll be earning points for the definitive rather than commemorative coins.

Make sure you watch the video to see the full scoring system and then leave your guess in the comments below.

Check back next Monday to watch the full coin hunt and find out if you’ve guessed the winning score!

Remember, you can also join the Definitive 50p Collecting Challenge by signing up for FREE here:

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