Hello Guys
In this video, I am reviewing the latest issued Indian Paper money Guide Book. Watch the full video to know about the features and important details about the book.
If you want to buy a copy, you can contact Sanjay 👉👉 https://www.instagram.com/numismatist_sanjay/?hl=en
You can contact him here also: https://www.facebook.com/r.desanth
(This video is not a paid promotion but a educational video done for the benefit of public. This channel has no relation or connection with the publisher of the book or the seller mentioned. Purchase solely on the individual decision of the person. No liability will be on the channel in relation to any deals or issues associated with the book. Copyright of the book rest with the publisher of the book. This Video is only a “Review” as considered under section 52(a)(ii) of The Copyright Act, 1957)
#IndianPaperMoneyBooks #Banknotesprice #BookReview