During the Jaipur Coinex Exhibition, a number of Subscribers of Coin Stars met me personally and we had a good talk on coins and how to sell them.

Here are a few of them who spoke on camera.

To know about this Costly 2 Rupee coin, watch the video:
Ep 84: This ₹ 2 Coin is worth Rs. 35,000 – Chittaranjan Das 1998: इस सिक्के की क़ीमत है ₹ 35,000

#CoinStars #2RupeeCoinValue #JaipurExhibition
#DrDilipRajgor #AskCoinStars #ExploreWithCoinStars
#CostlyCoins #CostlyNotes #HowToCollectCoins
#DeshbandhuChitranjanDasCoin #TalkToCoinStars

I ❤️ Coins
I ❤️ Notes

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